Tag Archives: dylan

gremily + mars + dylan

26 Jul

posted by jenny

we're really behind on posts, and so i never posted about
gregory and emily, ina and mars, and heseon and dylan.

many moons ago, we had a playdate with mars and dylan.

it was the first time margot spontaneously puked. i mean, i know kids
puke, but this was the first time and it totally freaked me out! should have
taken a picture.

an interesting tidbit about ina, allen and mars.
ina: like me, korean and an aquarian
allen: like martin, filipino and a leo
margot + mars: first child, half korean/half filipino, sagitarrius and first 3 letters of their names are mar.
iggy: no relationship…yet….

a few weeks later we had breakfast with gremily (gregory + emily)

we got to see them again with ina and mars at the grove/farmer's market.

i don't know how gregory and margot came up with this game:

everytime we see gregory and emily they have a gift for margot. this
time it was one of margot's favorite thing, stickers!

she was too shy to play with it at the grove, but this is the scene on the way
home. this is also why martin hates that i have access to the camera.

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500 days of summer

12 Aug

posted by margot, diction taken by papa martin

June started out gloomy, and stayed that way for most of the month.
When it rained, we got in some umbrella practice. Do you like my fobby pajamas?

July was all about zoo trips with my baby pals. Here's round 1 with Myles and Hannah.

Round 2 with Lucia and Eloise. Spent barely 2 hours there, and we're on the verge of passing out! Guess we're not as young as we used to be.

Took one of our semi-regular trips to Nickelodeon to hang out with my older friends.
They have jobs and don't need to wear diapers. Actually, I think the bald one still needs them.

I also went on a bunch of playdates with my valley friend, Hannah.

In July, LA became a sweltering desert, so we dressed accordingly:

After defeating the Nazis and recovering the Ark of the Covenant, we celebrated by going swimming:

…then caught up on our summer reading:

Then we wrapped up July with a visit to Travel Town to check out the trains:

August is upon us, and we've been getting back to nature.
Went hiking with Christian at Griffith Park. It took us 45 minutes to walk about 40 feet. It didn't help that we picked up every stick and pebble along the way.

Went to the beach at Palos Verdes.
Gregory showed me how to fly a kite a la Charlie Brown:

…and Emily picked out hermit crabs from the tidepools for me, which I promptly returned to their habitat.

Pal Dylan and his mom, Heseon, beckoned me further out into the water, but I refused. I'm a toddler. That's what we're good at.

And lastly, papa keeps mumbling something about a thing called the "economy" going into some place called the "shitter". I don't know what he's talking about, but he said we might all be living in cardboard boxes under the freeway soon. Sounded fun to me, so I thought I'd get a head start:

Oh yeah, before I forget, papa and mama also keep telling me that I'm going to be a "big sister". I have no idea what they're talking about. They're turning into crazy people. All I know is that mama is constantly tired and eating a lot of Subway sandwiches. And they keep shoving this picture in my face:

And papa's a lot grouchier than normal, I wonder if this has anything to do with it?….

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flood of christian (and jewish) h20

7 Apr

Posted by Jenny

a while back, we went to the noah's ark exhibit at the skirball center
with hazel, lucas, heseon, dylan and some of lucas' other playmates.

it was a really cool place, full of animals made out of found objects,
and activities. all margot wanted to do was suck her thumb.

there's one room where it's basically like a jungle gym. you first have to
climb up this crazy rope ladder to the second floor and then crawl through
holes that are way too small for adults.

at one point heseon said it was like we were survivors of a plane crash
as we formed a parent line and passed the babies down toward the exit.


i'd highly suggest any parent with a child that is at least crawling to go
check it out!! fun for adults and children (but mostly children).

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happy birthday dylan!

19 Jan

dylan turned one! the boy has been walking since he was 8 months!

he, like most babies (but not margot), picked an object. he chose a
pen which means he'll be a writer, just like his mom.

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busy weekend, 1 outfit

19 Aug

i'm SO tired from this weekend!

saturday was lunch at delicieuse with gregory, emily, heseon,
john, dylan, hazel and lucas. phew.

had the most delicious goat cheese sandwich and ice cream, and
margot had her first taste of a non-pureed food, broccoli.
*photos courtesy of gregory


she looks like she doesn't like it, but i swear, she kept eating it!

hung out at dylan's for a while.

then it was off to manhattan beach where margot felt sand and
salt water for the first time. not so into it.


but she enjoyed hanging out on the sand with finger lickin' dylan.

*photos courtesy of emily

don't worry, she has plenty of sunblock on and it's the 4 o'clock sun. plus
she wasn't in the sun for long.
more pics here and here.

on sunday was kiki's birthday party

lucia, angelyn and margot had a load of fun playing at the water tables.

all this and she still only napped for 20 minutes.

as you can see, we took a matching top and bottom set (from kumquat
of course) and was able to  make it last 2 days, wearing bottoms on saturday
and top on sunday. well aren't we clever?

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keep on swimmin’

26 Jun

this is margot's first time in the pool. as you can see, i'm
just a tiny (oh so tiny) bit paranoid about sun exposure.

jenny + margotmartin + margot

this is at dylan's grandparents' house and went swimming
and ate and talked about big lactation boobs and how grown
men turn into kids again at their parents' house.

it was dylan's first time in the pool too.

we were only in the water for 5-10 minutes as margot was sucking
her thumb like crazy, trying to soothe herself from this weird sensation
called "swimming".

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