Tag Archives: john

week of insanity

14 Apr

posted by jenny

omg. i cannot believe the insanity of last week. i'm still recovering…

sunday was easter and i didn't take any pictures because i'm an
asshole. we went to vonny + mario's to eat and have an easter egg
hunt. martin had been training margot all week as last year she
only got the one egg and was happy with that. this, apparently, was
not acceptable to my dear husband.

i do have pictures of  special eggs martin's grandmother's caretaker
MADE for margot. she takes care of her everyday for a few hours and
they are so in love with each other.

we went to westminster to have vietnamese food
and meet up with my UC Riverside friend christine, her husband
brian and their 6 month old rea (pronounced ray).

also there was my UCLA friend who you see here often, karen and oooju.

my first time in westminster did not disappoint!

we visited another UC Riverside friend and former
roommate johanna, her husband brad (another UCR friend), and
their kids, annika and nico. hazel and lucas joined in the fun too as
brad and hazel have an old scrabble rivalry.

we went to the long beach aquarium. margot loves it there and if it
was closer, we might have considered getting an annual pass.

being with brad and johanna makes me feel like a fucking midget.

annika loved margot so much that she decided she wants a baby sister.

on our way home, this is the best shot i could get while driving.

wednesday martin and i went to the accountant's office, but
margot went to bob baker marionettes with lola! their first outing alone
together besides church.

her cousin's aj, lea, kaitlyn and emma came along too.

margot got really scared during the show, but really, who can

blame her. it's dark and there are some scary looking puppets.

that night we hung out with regulars bill and jessica as well as
comic nerds derek kirk kim and jason shiga.

jessica decided to finally touch baby uggo. it's no secret
that margot is still her favorite. iggy will forever have issues
with this. thanks jessica!

bill made us steaks the size of my head.

thursday lucas, hazel, margot, iggy and i went to the LA zoo.
hazel and i usually don't see each other that often, so to see her twice
in one week is awesome!

lucas loves iggy so much that he always says he wants to take
him home.

we were supposed to have a playdate with grace and
christian, but we were so exhausted from the week that we stayed
home and took long naps instead.

saturday was john's opening at GR2. first we ran into mason
at curry house.

then to the show…

where we also saw ina and mars, a fellow koripino/filirean baby.

whew, i'm exhausted just writing about it. i'm living up this maternity
leave to the fullest…

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the chans

7 Apr

Posted by Jenny

we’ve been seeing a lot of the chans these days.

first was our early morning visit to the observatory and
breakfast at trails.

then a few weeks later we had a beach day!


margot played on the monkey bars
and tried to avoid the sand
THEN a few more weeks later, we had breakfast with the chans, the wongs
and the de la garzas at square one. look at all those asians!


funny story(well, not really), wendy pointed out a pediatrician(also asian) that
examined eloise the day she was born eating a square one. margot had a fever
later on that morning and puked in the afternoon. when i called the pediatrician
on-call, it was the same one we saw that morning!

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getting old

10 Feb

i am still recovering from christian‘s first birthday party
rager. seriously, it was utter insanity!! i don’t believe i’ve
seen so many babies in one room.

christian slept the first half and then he had three wardrobe
changes. here he is in his chinese outfit with his parents,
grace and john.

here he is in his korean outfit, picking his destiny, a pencil!
like margot, there is much debate on whether his destiny was “fixed”.

margot tried to take a picture with the birthday boy, but clearly, he’s
just not that into her.

aju felt the same about kiki

and only because janet asked me not to post a picture (look at the stink eye!)…

and just some more random pics.

only a fraction of the crowdniamh and margotgriffin and margotmmmm yogurt!sophialucia and carlos

girl bonding by rocking chair while moms talk about nursing:
at this birthday party there was no making out for margot. charlie was in a
“mood”, and he used all his best moves to give a flower to girl outside that
wasn’t even going to the party. lame.

and what better way to end your first birthday party than with a little mah-jong.

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busy weekend, 1 outfit

19 Aug

i'm SO tired from this weekend!

saturday was lunch at delicieuse with gregory, emily, heseon,
john, dylan, hazel and lucas. phew.

had the most delicious goat cheese sandwich and ice cream, and
margot had her first taste of a non-pureed food, broccoli.
*photos courtesy of gregory


she looks like she doesn't like it, but i swear, she kept eating it!

hung out at dylan's for a while.

then it was off to manhattan beach where margot felt sand and
salt water for the first time. not so into it.


but she enjoyed hanging out on the sand with finger lickin' dylan.

*photos courtesy of emily

don't worry, she has plenty of sunblock on and it's the 4 o'clock sun. plus
she wasn't in the sun for long.
more pics here and here.

on sunday was kiki's birthday party

lucia, angelyn and margot had a load of fun playing at the water tables.

all this and she still only napped for 20 minutes.

as you can see, we took a matching top and bottom set (from kumquat
of course) and was able to  make it last 2 days, wearing bottoms on saturday
and top on sunday. well aren't we clever?

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