Tag Archives: manhattan beach

busy weekend, 1 outfit

19 Aug

i'm SO tired from this weekend!

saturday was lunch at delicieuse with gregory, emily, heseon,
john, dylan, hazel and lucas. phew.

had the most delicious goat cheese sandwich and ice cream, and
margot had her first taste of a non-pureed food, broccoli.
*photos courtesy of gregory


she looks like she doesn't like it, but i swear, she kept eating it!

hung out at dylan's for a while.

then it was off to manhattan beach where margot felt sand and
salt water for the first time. not so into it.


but she enjoyed hanging out on the sand with finger lickin' dylan.

*photos courtesy of emily

don't worry, she has plenty of sunblock on and it's the 4 o'clock sun. plus
she wasn't in the sun for long.
more pics here and here.

on sunday was kiki's birthday party

lucia, angelyn and margot had a load of fun playing at the water tables.

all this and she still only napped for 20 minutes.

as you can see, we took a matching top and bottom set (from kumquat
of course) and was able to  make it last 2 days, wearing bottoms on saturday
and top on sunday. well aren't we clever?

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