Tag Archives: poop

jenny + martin’s day of feces

20 Jan

as many of you know, we're practicing elimination communication,
which is basically, us teaching margot to go in the toilet.

it's been going pretty good since we started when she was 5 months old.
most of her poops are in the toilet which make diaper changes so awesome!

but saturday, oh saturday…

margot always poops first thing in the morning when she wakes up.
but sometimes it's a 3-4 poop day.

so saturday started off normal. everything's fine. had her morning dump.
later in the morning she stopped everything she was doing and started
to strain so martin ran upstairs handed her to me. he said there wasn't
any poop yet, so i took off her diaper, and lo and behold, POOP! i ran
her to the toilet so she could finish, but i guess she had some dingleberries
that landed on our bed. AWESOME.

later in the afternoon we were playing and then she stopped and started
to strain again. so i took of her diaper, phew, clean. ran to the toilet, had
another dump. yay.

HALF AN HOUR LATER martin stepped in poop. i guess on my
way to the bathroom she laid an egg. oops.

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nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea

16 Jun

margot was fussy pretty much all day today and pooped
a lot. it also looked kinda weird. green and sticky. i was
SO CLOSE to taking a picture and posting it, but martin
(and future tween margot) would probably make me pay
for it in some way.

she then puked and acted like she was drowning and then
puked a little more. i was concerned so i called laurence,
martin's pediatrician cousin-in-law. he said it most likely
is something that i ate that was causing her to have
stomach issues.

i thought back to what i had eaten, and well, i guess that
tommy's chili cheese burger wasn't such a good idea. but
damn did taste good.

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8 Mar

so, i know this is totally normal for breastfed babies,
but margot has not pooped in 2 days and by tonight,
it will be 3. i've heard that some babies go a week
without pooping, but that just seems very very odd.

speaking of poop, yesterday wendy, eloise, grace,
christian, margot and i went on a walk to lamill and
had snacks/drinks. on the way, we walked under
a bridge and there was adult poop and flies all over
the place. i held my breath, but poor margot probably
had no idea what hit her. moral of the story: don't
walk under bridges.

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