Grab Bag

26 Oct

posted by Martin

Here’s a bunch of stuff that should have been their own seperate blog posts, but for whatever reason, fell between the cracks. Enjoy….

I knew I shouldn’t have left Margot alone in the bathrooom. But I did. My bad.

One day, I was in the kitchen while Margot was playing in the living room, babbling the usual toddler babble speak. All of a sudden it went quiet. I peek in to check on her and this is what I see:

I halfway expected all the toys’ eyes to glow red and to hear demonic chanting coming from them.

Family Portaits:

^Believe it or not, but the above pic is our first decent picture as family together (Iggy’s already 3 months old at this point).

That’s because all our previous attempts ended up like the pic below:

I asked Margot to smile for this pic, but she made this face instead.

Iggy in a doo-rag. Word up.

Summer babe. There’ll be a day when Margot will want to spend those long summer days with her friends, instead of dear old papa. That’ll be the day I teach Iggy how to throw water balloons.

Teacher Maritsa, Margot’s favorite teacher at her very first pre-school at Bellevue Park. If this pre-school were a restaurant, it would have a letter grade C, but it would have the best food in town. The first few weeks of a new pre-school are filled with tears and screaming, but thanks to teacher Maritsa, they never lasted more than a few minutes.  Hopefully, she’ll still be around when it’s Iggy’s turn…

2 Responses to “Grab Bag”

  1. bill October 27, 2010 at 4:28 pm #

    So what Iggy is really saying is that he’s happiest when he’s a gangsta.

  2. Karen October 31, 2010 at 9:55 pm #

    i love how your big ass boobies are pushing everyone else over!

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