more poop and feces stories

29 Jan

     We give Margot some time right after a poop/pee/diaper-change to roam around her room sans diaper. Helps prevent diaper rash and all that. Well, a few days ago, I was sitting on the toilet with Margot, trying to get her to pee. 10 minutes pass. Not a single drop. So I bring her back into her room, and let her play in the buff. I figure I'm pretty safe. So she's sitting there playing with her Noah's Ark book, while I'm making diapers. Then she climbs up on me playfully, and I'm wondering why her socks are wet. I look down and there's a huuuuuge puddle of pee on the floor. Wow, thanks Margot! The worst part is, after all the cursing and cleaning, the first thing I thought was, "crap, I forgot to take a picture for the blog."

     This is for all the EC practicioners out there. After you poop your kid, and right before you flush, do you ever look at the poop sitting in the bowl and think to yourself, "wow, I am soooo glad that one was in the toilet and not in a diaper!" I was thinking that today after a particularly large deposit Margot made this afternoon. If I didn't poop her, she would've turned her diaper into the Playdoh Fun Factory. Then it occurs to me that her poop is as big as mine. I wonder if I should be worried. Crap, forgot to take a picture for the blog. Again.

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3 Responses to “more poop and feces stories”

  1. Margot & Iggy January 29, 2009 at 4:44 pm #

    no one wants to see pictures of this, crazy!

  2. nizzyspark January 29, 2009 at 6:05 pm #

    What are you talking about? OF COURSE we wanna see pictures of poop and pee!!!!

  3. Yumyumcha January 31, 2009 at 12:38 am #

    I'm curious as to whats bigger…margots poop or a typical luncheon meal for martin.

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